I just won’t do for you

I just won’t do for you
I wish it were not true
And the news came as a shock
A most unwelcome, awful knock
When I thought it was going well
You sounded the final knell.

No proper explanation came
“It didn’t feel right”, the claim
Was it the loose post-baby gut,
Or the rather over-round butt?
Did I loudly slurp my gin?
Or dribble some pizza down my chin?

One thing I know is the fault is mine
For you are so right and fine.
What did I do so very wrong?
When I thought we were going strong?
I had dared to hope, to dream
Of the places we might together team.

I asked “could he be the one?”
When you wanted me gone.
Yes, I will get over this fail.
Another wheel came off the rail.
Maybe I’ll never feel whole,
Find the perfect mate for my soul…